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Africa Adventure Academy - your helping hand in sustainable and responsible tourism development

Africa Adventure opens Europe office!

Africa Adventure Tourism Network - European office

Fantastic news from the Africa Adventure Tourism Network!  Opening the Africa Adventure Tourism Network marketing and sales office in March 2024 in Germany is a strategic move to tap into the hea...

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The Rise and Fall of Google Travel Bookings

The Rise and Fall of Google Travel Bookings

Many of us can remember the years before the internet was such an integral and important part of our lives. During this time, travel agencies had the travel industry locked down. Anyone looking to pla...

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How to restart your business after a disaster such as COVID-19


After months of lockdown, many regions are moving towards a careful return to normality. Tourism businesses are starting to open their doors again, albeit with some changed operations and a new perspe...

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Great leadership during crisis

Great leadership during crisis

Leaders are more able to persuade, convince, motivate, inspire, and sensibly use power to affect others in a positive way. Generally speaking, leadership is not the kind of authority that comes from l...

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When the going gets tough


I have been an entrepreneur for the last 29 years and have seen my fair share of ups and downs over the years. I nearly went bankrupt at the beginning of my career because I didn't had the cash f...

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The best way to predict the future is to create it


The quote "The best way to predict the future is to create it" is credited to two people, Abraham Lincoln and Peter Drucker, known for their words of wisdom and lessons to live by. It means to re...

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Are trade shows relics of the past?


COVID slowly loses its grip on tourism businesses and you have to consider to get your marketing up and running again. Will trade shows have a place in it? The most important travel tra...

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Information Technology - How it started and where it goes


Information Technology (IT) has been around for many centuries - basically as long as people have been around because information technology is a technical form of communication. IT might have started...

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How to market to FIT's


Understanding the booking behaviour of FIT's FIT = Foreign Independent Tourist or Self-drive traveller  While still at home, MAX our FIT-SELF-DRIVE TRAVELLER considers his options on where t...

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