Your ability as a business to predict the next crisis is impossible, but your ability to prepare for it is not! In today's globalized world, businesses face a vast array of threats to their operations...
About the WED TOURISM - Women's Entrepreneurship Development Background The gap in female entrepreneurship remains widespread. Worldwide, women are under-represented as sole proprietors as w...
After months of lockdown, many regions are moving towards a careful return to normality. Tourism businesses are starting to open their doors again, albeit with some changed operations and a new perspe...
Leaders are more able to persuade, convince, motivate, inspire, and sensibly use power to affect others in a positive way. Generally speaking, leadership is not the kind of authority that comes from l...
Here are some ideas on how to Reduce waste, start Recycling and Reuse resources to become a more sustainable tourism business. What is Sustainable Hospitality? These are steps that's establishments ca...