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Africa Adventure Academy - your helping hand in sustainable and responsible tourism development

The Sustainable and Resilient Enterprises - SURE Tourism

Sustainable and Resilient Enterprises (SURE) workshop by Africa Adventure

Your ability as a business to predict the next crisis is impossible, but your ability to prepare for it is not! In today's globalized world, businesses face a vast array of threats to their operations...

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Women's Entrepreneurship Development - WED Tourism

Women's Entrepreneurship Development WED in Tourism

About the WED TOURISM - Women's Entrepreneurship Development Background The gap in female entrepreneurship remains widespread. Worldwide, women are under-represented as sole proprietors as w...

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How to restart your business after a disaster such as COVID-19


After months of lockdown, many regions are moving towards a careful return to normality. Tourism businesses are starting to open their doors again, albeit with some changed operations and a new perspe...

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Great leadership during crisis

Great leadership during crisis

Leaders are more able to persuade, convince, motivate, inspire, and sensibly use power to affect others in a positive way. Generally speaking, leadership is not the kind of authority that comes from l...

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The three R’s on the war against waste - Reduce, Recycle and Reuse

reduce-recycle-reuse-cover Reduce, Recycle, Reuse

Here are some ideas on how to Reduce waste, start Recycling and Reuse resources to become a more sustainable tourism business. What is Sustainable Hospitality? These are steps that's establishments ca...

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