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Africa Adventure Academy - your helping hand in sustainable and responsible tourism development

Women's Entrepreneurship Development - WED Tourism

Women's Entrepreneurship Development WED in Tourism

About the WED TOURISM - Women's Entrepreneurship Development


The gap in female entrepreneurship remains widespread. Worldwide, women are under-represented as sole proprietors as well as owners and managers of limited liability companies. Women entrepreneurs face a combination of economic, social and cultural barriers that inhibit them from growing their enterprises to their full potential.

The promotion of women's entrepreneurship is fundamental to women's economic empowerment and inclusive economic growth, particularly in developing economies. Much work needs to be done to create an enabling environment for women entrepreneurs and support women entrepreneurs in their aspirations to grow their businesses.

Women's entrepreneurship development requires a multi-facetted approach. Whereas many countries have experience in providing training and financial services to women entrepreneurs, these initiatives often fail to generate the expected results in the absence of a conducive environment in which women operate their businesses

Learning Objectives

Participants in the training programme will get acquainted with a range of tools to assess and improve the enabling environment, to integrate gender equality in value chain development and business development service provision and to enhance women's business and financial management skills.

By attending the course, participants will gain:
  • Better knowledge of policy options and practical measures to promote women's entrepreneurship development
  • Enhanced capacity to design, implement and evaluate effective women's entrepreneurship development strategies
  • Access to proven tools and methodologies to promote women's entrepreneurship

Who should attend?

The course is designed for national, provincial and regional tourism offices as well as for people working in the areas of employment strategies, gender equality, local and rural development, business development support services such as coaching, mentoring, consultancies, management training etc.

Find out more on WED Tourism

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