The best way to predict the future is to create it
The quote "The best way to predict the future is to create it" is credited to two people, Abraham Lincoln and Peter Drucker, known for their words of wisdom and lessons to live by.
It means to remain steadfast, staying persistent and in never giving up, no matter the circumstances, and could not be more true today as it was many years ago. Some things in life are easy to agree about, others just seem not agreeable whenever discussed: Spending money for marketing appears to be one of them.
I am sure we all agree that getting back to tourist arrival numbers before COVID needs some work, but what and how to do it seems to be more divisive. In one of my previous articles, I pondered about booking portals vs sustainable destination development and that a failure to invest in destination marketing will ultimately lead to the demise of the destination. The simple solution to this uncomfortable fact is that everyone involved in tourism needs to financially contribute towards the common goal of achieving, perhaps exceeding, pre COVID tourist arrivals.
This, as you might already know, is one of the biggest stumbling blocks that exist and it boils down to just how committed you are to create your own future. NOW is NOT the time to give up and I extend a sincere thank you to our members who stuck with our mantra "Think Future! Think Marketing!" during the difficult times COVID has created.
To get YOU ready for the rebirth of tourism, we put a lot of work into upgrading the Africa Adventure brand with a fresh new look and name update as Africa Adventure has become My Africa Adventure - check it out here: and
If you are not a member of the Africa Adventure Tourism Network it is definitely time to join now and create your own future.
Not a member of Africa Adventure?
If you provide quality services to travellers within the listed countries of sub-saharan Africa and agree to adhere to our code of conduct including relevant government & travel industry regulations as well as all statutory requirements you are welcome to apply for membership to Africa Adventure.