South Africa's Operating Licence Saga
The South African Department of Transport is ignoring its own rules and is NOT issuing transport operating licences in the time described. Key issue is that all Operating Licences need to be adjudicated by a board / committee which was dissolved as far back as mid 2019. Since then the Minister of Transport has not appointed a new board / committee leaving all applications for new Operating Licences unattended.
We are calling for the separation of the application process in which applications for Operating Licences in the public sector stay with the Department of Transport and applications for tourism related operating licences are in the hands of the Department of Tourism.
This will allow for tourism related operating licence applications to be adjudicated in the time prescribed by government itself and will take pressure of the Department of Transport.
It can not be that companies like my own apply for a tourism operating licence and have to wait for two years only to be told that the application has still not be processed because there is no board / committee to adjudicate such applications! The reason for not having a board is that the Minister of Transport himself has not created one in over two years!
This behaviour is counterproductive in growing tourism and creating employment and we call on all directly involved tourism companies as well as all concerned people to sign our petition.
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